Amiga Format CD 24
Amiga Format AFCD24 (Feb 1998, Issue 108).iso
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Order: Title: Author: Cost: Details:
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
FG-004 D.M.C GOLD Andy Gibson £6.99+75p p+p 2 Disks + 40pg manual
Buying As New:
Upgrading From F1 DMC V2.0:
(contact F1 for cheap upgrade price)
Upgrading From F1 GOLD V2.3:
(As Above)
FREE DEMO VERSION AVILABLE SOON (Demo of V2.3 available now)
DMC (Disk Mag Creator) GOLD - V3.0
DMC GOLD V3.0 is an updated version to the popular F1 GOLD title,
DMC GOLD V2.3. DMC V3.0 has many new features and is a must for
anyone creating either Catalogue Disks or Disk Mag based creations.
DMC can display Text, Graphics, Animations and ClipArt files and
also play music modules.
Text articles can now be displayed as:
Normal Paged Articles with 15 colours to choose from for your text.
7 non flashing colours and 8 flashing colours. You can now show
text with the choice of four fonts, each with 8 text styles to
choose from. You can also display coloured ClipArt images within
your article's pages.
Split-Screen Articles with all features mentioned above, but the
text is split over two columns on each page. This is very
professional looking and is used by all the big named diszines such
as Grapevine, Amoszine, Beyond-Sanit-E, Amiga Frontier etc.
Scrolly-Articles are a new feature to DMC V3.0 and are plain ascii
text files which scroll over the top of a neat IFF screen. (which
you can draw and design yourself). These articles are very easy to
create and make DMC easier to use if you can't be bothered with
colour codes and page settings etc. Especially good for PD
Libraries who have huge lists of titles they want to display.
Secret Articles can be in the form of any of the above, but with
one major advantage, this file is ENCRYPTED so nobody can read the
file in a text editor. It can only be displayed via DMC by typing
in the correct password.
Config Maker is a new util designed to create your DMC
Configuration (set up) file. This saves you doing all the hard
work in a text editor now. Very easy to use and speeds up the
creation time of your production(s).
Some features of DMC GOLD include:
o Text articles which use up to 15 colours
o 7 non-flashing and 8 flashing
o Text colours can be switched on/off
o Split Screen text articles (as seen in the above named mags)
o Secret Articles (Encrypted for security)
o Up to 7 ClipArt pictures can be shown alongside your text articles
easily. ClipArt pics use 16 colours !!! :^)
o Scrolly Articles over the top of a picture.
o Three music mods can be played and switched on/off
o Up to 11 Intro Pics can be shown
o Up to four fonts used in articles each with 8 text styles. (no need
for FONTS directory on disk - fully handled from within DMC)
o DMC can also display pictures from the Index in two modes, DMC
Display (pic shown between top info screen and user panel) or now
full screen display (DMC is hidden from view)
o Picture shown behind Index Pages now - more professional.
o Create your very own user panel (customise to your needs)
o Fully control the titles atop each Index Page
o Fully control text colours on Index Pages
o Toggle between 5 mouse pointers.
o DMC GOLD is 100% compatible with data files that are crunched with
Crunch-Mania by Thomas Schwarz (The best Amiga file cruncher EVER!)
This will give you extra disk space for more articles and pictures.
o DMC can be controlled by mouse and/or keyboard
o DMC can be run on any Amiga and can be loaded from either CLI,
WBench, can be run from Startup-Sequence for auto-booting disks etc
o DMC now handles all disk accessing. No more of those nasty WBench
messages asking you to insert the correct disk(s) :) This is good
news for multi-disk releases obviously. Far more professional.
o DMC is now multi-tasking and can be toggled to/from WB/CLI so you
can let other programs run in the background
o DMC has many error checking routines to stop it crashing your
system. Very intelligent and will even tell you of some errors
o All articles displayed can be output to your printer and all colour
codes will not be output to paper (what you see on screen is what
is printed - except ClipArt and Pictures)
o New printer routines to save wear on your ink. Either print in NLQ
(Near Letter Quality) or DRAFT modes. Print in Normal or Small size
chars and now DMC let's you print out either the whole article or
just the page you are reading.
o New SEARCH mode which allows you to search for any word in an
article. Good news for PD Libraries who use DMC for their cat
disks. No more manually searching an article for that disk title
etc. Let DMC do it for you...
o Configuration file now set up a lot faster (even on low-end Amigas.
o Config Maker which actually creates your config file for you -
easily. No more messing about and casuing errors :)
o No more HEX codes! (Yippeee!) All colours are taken from various
picture palettes.
o Too many new features to list.
o The list is endless! Buy it and be amazed!
DMC GOLD is supplied on two disks:
BOOT DISK: This disk has been set ou as a `mini-disk-mag'
to let you see what DMC is now capable of. Plenty
of text articles to steal ideas from too.
CREATOR DISK: This disk holds the new `Config Maker' and also the
Shareware Version of Crunch-Mania. Also on this
disk you will find another two disks in .DMS format
which have to be unpacked! (Don't worry, it's very
easy to do.) These two disk are:
* EXAMPLES DISK: A disk filled with example picture files to help
you create your own panel and clipart files etc.
All files should be loaded into your favourite
paint package.
* YOUR DISK: This is a skeleton disk of DMC!!!. It holds all the
required files to run DMC and all you have to do is
copy your articles, pictures, animation and music
files etc., onto.
* (These disk must be unpacked onto two spare floppy disks. It is all
done easily for you at the click of a mouse button.)
o Also supplied with DMC GOLD is the full A5 Printed manual. Now
re-written and revamped for the new release of DMC. 40+ pages to
help you create your first production. Written by the author of DMC
with the new user in mind. Now you have the best help available at
hand - ALWAYS :)
The manual is produced in assocaition with F1 Software to ensure
that you are getting a quality production and not some poxy text
list printed onto sheets of paper. Many hours were spent producing
the manual for DMC and I (Andy Gibson) feel that it is set out in a
professional manner.
o DMC has been two years in the making and is now of commercial
standards. So if you've ever wanted to create a Disk Mag or even a
catalogue disk for your PD Library, DMC GOLD is for you. No coding
experience required. All the hard work has been done for you.
o Many PD Libraries already use DMC for their cat disks and many
people have used DMC to create stunning disk mags that rival the
likes of Grapevine!
NOTE: From Phil. It took me about 30 minutes to master DMC
to create this catalogue disk. It is very quick and easy to
use and that's a promise.
** Reviewed in Amiga Computing Jan 1996 **
`Capable of producing some impressive results'
`The whole package is supplied with a really useful manual which
demystifies the magazine creation process, it is well written and
highly informative.'
'Why go to the bother of writing your own disk mag engine when DMC
is capable of producing such excellent results?'